Fix your dog’s itching, scratching, paw licking, soft poop, grass eating and other intestinal flora issues

Brez aditivov in polnil
Brez umetnih okusov
Minimalno procesirano
Brez žitaric in glutena
Proizvedeno v Veliki Britaniji

Belly Champ helps by regulating your dog’s gut health using clinically validated ingredients with 18+ clinical studies

Whole food minimally processed treat with postbiotics and wild-caught salmon. Recommended by vets.

Get Belly Champ Now >

100% 30-day money-back guarantee

Clinically validated with 18+ studies to treat your dog’s intestinal flora

  • Fix Itching, Scratching and Paw Licking

    Stop itching & scratching, paw licking, grass eating and other issues caused by an unbalanced gut flora

  • For Perfect Poop & Digestion

    Fix mushy or soft poop, diarrhea, smelly farts and other digestive issues due to an unbalanced gut microbiome

  • Microbiome Modulation

    Increase helpful microbiota in your dog’s gut to improve their gut health, immune responses and general health.

  • Holistic Health Benefits

    Also improves immunity, nutrient absorption, breath quality and dental health

  • Longevity

    Prevent long-term metabolic diseases (type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity)

  • Added Nutrients

    Add nutrients to your dog’s diet (omega-3s, vitamins A, C, E, B6, potassium, calcium, iron and dietary fiber)

  • Performance Postbiotics

    2x clinically validated postbiotics (BPL1, EpiCor Pets), proven to survive to your dog’s gut and increase levels of beneficial bacteria.

  • The Whole Food Natural Treat

    Minimally processed, just real whole food ingredients. Made from 60% wild-caught salmon and 15,9% sweet potato. No fillers, no additives, no chemistry. But with extra omega-3s and other vitamins from our whole food ingredients.

From customers across Europe

  • "My dog now has very good digestion and no longer scratches so much. I am thrilled."

    Cornelia Sumnich

  • "Our dog had a lot of stress, constantly soft feces and unfortunately often diarrhea. Nothing helped until I came across this product! I was very skeptical, but I'm just glad I bought it!"

    Sara Fröhling

  • "My dog hasn't eaten grass for weeks and the paw licking has also stopped. As soon as the bag runs out, I will definitely order Belly Champ again. My dog loves these snacks."

    Nancy Lauterbach

  • "Great product!!! My doggie is now better, he scratches less, he doesn't lick his paws anymore plus the reddish tear is disappearing."

    Teresa Letizia

  • "Great product! My dog Thor's health has greatly improved both intestinal and thick, shiny coat."

    Marta Fusi

  • "The improvements are obvious. The mouth odor is gone. The times he ate grass and vomitted decreased. The feces are firmer. The skin definitely softer and even he started to play with me again. He doesn't scratch anymore but still keeps licking his paws, which I hope that also disappears soon."

    Beate Gelff

  • "My bull terrier likes it very much! And strange as it may seem, the poop has gotten better: more consistent and firm. And we are only halfway through the first month!"

    Silvio Sarobba

  • "Lilith loves the treats, but most importantly, the itching has decreased."

    Valentina Geri

  • "With the Belly Champ treat the dysentery disappeared after a few days and the flautolence much decreased. It really seems like a dream to have gotten these results."

    Patrizia Folcato

  • "I wanted to try the product to find help for his two big problems: he very often makes soft stools and bites his paws. The two problems have greatly improved, in fact, almost completely disappeared."

    Sergio Gambato

  • "For the past few days she has been licking her paws less and eating very little grass."

    Cinzia Catti

  • "We just started taking Belly Champ a few days ago, but I already see a big improvement. Since immediately Timothee has stopped licking her paws and mordering them."

    Giusy De Lucia

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Kaj se skriva v notranjosti?

  • 35 % divji losos
  • 12,5 % sladkega krompirja
Postbiotik Epicor® Pets z več kot 20 metaboliti
Postbiotik BPL1, ki klinično dokazano povečuje koristno mikrobioto
Morske alge za podporo zobovju
Kurkuma in juka za dodatno podporo blatu in prebavi
Detailed Ingredients List


Losos 35 %, bela riba 30 %, rastlinski glicerin, sladki krompir, buča, lupina psiliuma, jabolčni kis, EpiCor® Pets (posušen kvasni fermentat, izdelan s Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 8750 mg/kg, morske alge, cikorija, neaktivirane celice Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis (BPL1®) 1. 2 x 1012 CFU/kg, inaktivirane celice iz bakterije Bifidobacterium longum (ES1®) 1,25 x 1010 CFU/kg

Sensory Additives


Technological Additives

1a330 Citronska kislina 5,5 mg

Analytical Constituents

Surove beljakovine 22,12 %, surove maščobe 8,43 %, surov pepel 3,03 %, surove vlaknine 4,01 %, vlaga 25,84 %.

How to feed?
Zelo majhen
1 - 5 kg
0.5 X
5 - 10 kg
1 X
10 - 25 kg
2 X
25 - 40 kg
3 X
Zelo velik
40 - 50 kg
4 X
“Zaupam samo dodatkom Pawital, saj mojim psom zagotovijo tisto, kar potrebujejo.”
— Rok Terziev

Help your dog’s gut health now

Belly Champ

1. Select dog weight

Zelo majhen
1 - 5 kg
0.5 X
na dan
5 - 10 kg
1 X
na dan
10 - 25 kg
2 X
na dan
25 - 40 kg
3 X
na dan
Zelo velik
40 - 50 kg
4 X
na dan

2. Select quantity

Rendering loop-subscriptions
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100% 30-day money-back guarantee. You and your dog will love it, or we refund your product purchase cost in full. You can even send back and empty pack and we’ll still refund you.

Shipped and delivered in 3-5 days

Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ

Advanced Synergistic Formula for Complete Gut Health

EpiCor Pets

EpiCor® Pets postbiotic with over 20 metabolites, clinically proven to boost gut health, optimize immune system support and help reduce oxidative stress.

BPL1 postbiotic, 10B cells/treat

10 Billion cells of BPL1 postbiotic, clinically proven to support gut health by increasing helpful microbiota. Supports metabolic health.

Turmeric, 144mg/treat

Provides stool and digestive support. Clinically proven to support a healthy liver.

Yucca Schidigera, 36mg/treat

Proven to aid digestion and assist in the production of well-formed, consistent stools. Decreases stool odour. Reduces hydrogen sulfide in the large intestine by 38%, substantially decreasing “bad” flatulence. Decreases skin irritation.

Seaweed Ascopyllum Nodosum, 24mg/treat

Removes plaque off your dog’s teeth and reduces tartar build-up, which helps reduce the bad bacteria that make it to your dog’s gut.

Wild-caught salmon, 4,8g/treat

60% of Belly Champ is made from wild-caught human-grade British salmon. Source of omega 3 and vitamin E for skin, coat, managing inflammation, and gut health support. Easier digestable than chicken.

Sweet potato, 1,27g/treat

15,9% of Belly Champ consists of sweet potato. Source of vitamins A, C, B6, potassium, calcium, iron, dietary fiber and antioxidants.

Clinically Proven to Work

The EpiCor Pets and BPL1 postbiotics in Belly Champ have been tested and validated in over 18 clinical studies.

Increases Beneficial Bacterial Groups

EpiCor Pets increases levels of beneficial bacterial groups.

A Wide Spectrum of Health Benefits

Studies showed that after just 60 days of use EpiCor Pets creates positive shifts in several health benefits.

  • 27% more likely to have better overall health rating
  • 67% more likely to have higher mobility
  • 95% more likely to have higher immunity and better digestive health
  • 165% more likely to be less anxious
  • 211% more likely to have less breath odor

Supports a Healthy Metabolism

The BPL1 postbiotic is proven to support a healthy metabolism and consequently reduce your dog’s risk of metabolic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and liver disase.

How fast does Belly Champ work?


Hitro izboljšanje kakovosti blata vašega ljubljenčka.


Težave zaradi kvasovk, kot so srbeče tačke, smrdeča ušesa in razdražena koža, bi se morale izboljšati.


Priporočena dolgoročna uporaba za podporo splošnega zdravja, ohranjanja zdravega mikrobioma, boljše imunosti in zmanjšanja tveganj metaboličnih bolezni.

Why is Belly Champ Better?

The base
Proven to deliver good bacteria to the gut
Clinically proven probiotic or postbiotic efficacy
Dogs love it
No additives, fillers or added flavoring
Whole food nutritional value
Minimum processing in production
Belly Champ
Regular Treats
Capsules or Tablets
Human-grade salmon, sweet potato
Usually chicken bits or beef liver
Usually not
Usually not
Usually not
Usually not

Postbiotics Are Proven to Create Healthy Gut Flora

Factors like food, stress and environmental toxins and can disrupt your dog’s gut health balance. Belly Champ postbiotics are clinically proven to create healthy gut flora and re-balance your dog’s gut.

  1. Good gut health depends on the presence of metabolites (amino acids, vitamins, short chain fatty acids and more) in your dog’s gut. 
  2. Most dog supplement products use probiotics to help your dog’s gut produce metabolites.
  3. Postbiotics instead deliver the beneficial metabolites straight into your dog’s gut, shortening the process.


V kakšen ovoj je ovita klobasica? Jo pes lahko poje?

Klobasica je zavita v naraven govej ovoj, ki je užiten in 100% varen za uporabo. Klobasic torej ni potrebno odvijati, pes jih lahko poje.

So izdelki primerni za pasje mladiče?

Ne, izdelki so namenjeni uživanju psom starejšim od 6 mesecev.

Je Belly Champ primeren za vse pasme in velikosti psov?

Belly Champ je zasnovan za potrebe psov vseh pasem, velikosti in starosti. Ne glede na to, ali je vaš hišni ljubljenček živahen mladiček, starejši od 12 mesecev, odrasel ali starejši pes.

Kako naj svojemu kužku postrežem Belly Champ?

Belly Champ lahko zmešate s hrano vašega psa ali ga ponudite kot priboljšek. Odmerek je odvisen od teže vašega psa, ki je jasno navedena na embalaži.

Kaj so postbiotiki?

Prebiotike in probiotike verjetno že poznate, vendar je tu še novost: postbiotiki. Predstavljajte si jih kot sanjsko ekipo za zdravje črevesja. Prebiotiki hranijo dobre bakterije, probiotiki pa so tisti koristni mikrobioti. Postbiotiki? To so učinkovite sestavine, ustvarjeni iz teh bakterij. 

Za naše hišne ljubljenčke postbiotiki hitro postajajo bolj uveljavljeni na področju prebave. Zakaj? Zagotavljajo vse prednosti probiotikov, brez izzivov živih organizmov. Ne potrebujejo posebnega skladiščenja ali skrbi, da bi preživeli želodčno kislino. Poleg tega ponujajo številne zdravstvene prednosti, kot sta krepitev odpornosti in izboljšanje gibljivosti. Skratka, postbiotiki so VIP vstopnica za dobro počutje vašega hišnega ljubljenčka.

Je Belly Champ varen za mojega psa?

Ja! Belly Champ ni le varen za vašega ljubljenčka, ampak je tudi eden izmed najbolj kakovostnih dodatkov za hišne ljubljenčke na trgu. Vsebuje le naravne sestavine človeške kakovosti, ki so jih odobrili veterinarji in strokovnjaki za prehrano hišnih živali. Poleg tega je konzervirano z varnim dodatkom PREBION, ki preprečuje mikrobiološko kontaminacijo.

Lahko Belly Champ uporabljajo tudi psi z alergijami?

Belly Champ je hipoalergen in ne vsebuje glutena, zato je primeren za pse z alergijami. Če pa ima vaš pes posebne prehranske potrebe ali skrbi, se pred uporabo posvetujte z veterinarjem.

Kje je Belly Champ proizveden?

Belly Champ je izdelan v Združenem kraljestvu v družinskem obratu, ki spoštuje visoke varnostne in kakovostne standarde ter skrbi za dobrobit okolja.

Je embalaža okolju prijazna?

Da, v podjetju Pawital smo zavezani k zmanjševanju vpliva na okolje. Belly Champ embalažo je mogoče v celoti reciklirati, naš Belly Champ proizvodni obrat pa deluje na 100-odstotno obnovljivo energijo, pri čemer ne proizvaja nobenih odpadkov in fosilnih goriv.