Fix your dog’s itching, scratching, paw licking, soft poop and grass eating

Belly Champ helps by regulating your dog’s gut health using clinically validated ingredients with 18+ clinical studies.

Help your dog from 25 cents/day, less than a cup of coffee at home.

  • All-natural functional treat
  • Clinically validated postbiotics (3x)
  • Prebiotics, fibers, turmeric, pumpkin, apple cider vinegar, seaweed
  • No additives, no fillers, no artificial flavors
  • From wild-caught salmon, white fish and sweet potato
  • Recommended by vets
  • Hypoallergenic
Try Belly Champ Now 43% Off

43%+ trial discount. 100% money-back guarantee.


Clinically validated with 18+ studies to treat your dog’s intestinal flora

  • Fix Itching, Scratching and Paw Licking and Grass Eating

    ... and other issues caused by an unbalanced gut flora

  • For Perfect Poop & Digestion

    Fix mushy or soft poop, diarrhea, smelly farts and other digestive issues

  • Holistic Health Benefits

    Improves immunity, nutrient absorption, breath quality and dental health

  • Longevity

    Prevent long-term metabolic diseases (type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity)

  • Proven to Work

    Tested and validated to work in over 18 clinical studies.

  • No Bad Stuff

    100% natural treat. Real food. No fillers. No additives. Gluten-free. Hypoallergenic.

  • Air-Dried to Preserve Nutrients

    Our 40°C air-drying process preserves the full nutritional quality of ingredients.

These delicious, easy-to-feed supplement treats eliminate the hassle of administering pills, as dogs love their taste.

What's inside matters!


Wild Salmon (35%)

Wild-caught salmon for better digestibility, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory support.

✓ Vitamin E

✓ Omega 3

White Fish (30%)

Rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Easily digestible.

✓ Muscle development

✓ Healthy coat and skin

Sweet Potato (8%)

Promotes healthy skin, coat, eyes, nerves, and muscles.

✓ Vitamin C, B6

✓ Potassium, calcium, iron

✓ High in fiber

✓ High in antioxidants


Natural source of fiber and prebiotics, supports your dog's digestion by regulating bowel movements and promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

EpiCor Pets Postbiotic

With over 20 beneficial metabolites. Clinically proven to boost gut health, and:

✓ Boost immunity against pathogens

✓ Provides anti-inflammatory support

BPL1 Postbiotic

✓ Improves overall digestive health

✓ Alleviates digestive disorders

✓ Restores the integrity of the gut barrier

✓ Modulates gut mibrobiota

✓ Higher nutrient absorption from food

✓ Supports metabolic health

ES1 Postbiotic

The ES1 strain supports the body's natural processes that contribute to skin health and a shiny, vibrant coat.

✓ Skin health

✓ Shiny & healthy coat

Chicory Root Prebiotic (FOS)

Supports digestion and enhances gut microbiome health.

✓ Improved nutrient absorption

✓ Skin health

Psyllium Husk

Prebiotic and soluble fiber.

✓ Supports digestion

✓ Promotes regular bowel movement

✓ Gut microbiome health

Apple Cider Vinegar

Aids digestion by fostering a healthy gut microbiome.


Supports healthy liver, stool, and digestive process, and boosts joint health.

✓ High in antioxidants

✓ Balances blood sugar

Seaweed Ascophyllum Nodosum

Improves mouth and teeth health, reduces harmful bacteria reaching the gut.

✓ Reduces plaque

✓ Reduces tartar

✓ Supports good mouth bacteria

See improvements within a month


Hitro izboljšanje kakovosti blata vašega ljubljenčka.


Težave zaradi kvasovk, kot so srbeče tačke, smrdeča ušesa in razdražena koža, bi se morale izboljšati.


Priporočena dolgoročna uporaba za podporo splošnega zdravja, ohranjanja zdravega mikrobioma, boljše imunosti in zmanjšanja tveganj metaboličnih bolezni.


Or we refund you in full.

How are we different?

A proper functional treat

Belly Champ is made from real whole food ingredients and doesn’t contain any additives. That’s why it’s an 8g treat of goodness.

Innovative postbiotics

We replaced heat-unstable probiotics with postbiotics, which directly deliver beneficial metabolites into the gut.

What are postbiotics?

Recommended by vets

“I recommend Pawital because they use high quality ingredients with scientifically proven efficacy.”

Svenja Maier
Tierärztin, dr. med. vet.

"A healthy gut is very closely linked to the presence of so-called metabolites. This is Belly Champ from Pawital and it already contains all these healthy metabolites."

Sonja Schirmer

"I recommend Pawital’s products because their effects on health are scientifically proven, with an optimal content of high-quality ingredients that work synergistically ..."

Nusa Poklukar
Dr. vet. Med., founder & CEO of Nutrition counseling for dogs and cats, Kuzi-Fix

"I'm happy to recommend Pawital, which is formulated to support internal bodily balance and helps maintain your dog's optimal health."

Aleksandar Plavsic
Dr. vet. med., Zamba Veterinarians

100% happy

or your money back

If you don’t see any improvements within 30-days, or your dog doesn’t like the taste, we will refund you in full.

How do refunds work?


But what do the owners say?

"My dog now has very good digestion and no longer scratches so much. I am thrilled."

Cornelia Sumnich

✓ Verified customer

"Our dog had a lot of stress, constantly soft feces and unfortunately often diarrhea. Nothing helped until I came across this product! I was very skeptical, but I'm just glad I bought it!"

Sara Fröhling

✓ Verified customer

"My bull terrier likes it very much! And strange as it may seem, the poop has gotten better: more consistent and firm. And we are only halfway through the first month!"

Silvio Sarobba

✓ Verified customer

"Great product! My dog Thor's health has greatly improved both intestinal and thick, shiny coat."

Marta Fusi

✓ Verified customer

"Lilith loves the treats, but most importantly, the itching has decreased."

Valentina Geri

✓ Verified customer

"With the Belly Champ treat the dysentery disappeared after a few days and the flautolence much decreased. It really seems like a dream to have gotten these results."

Patrizia Folcato

✓ Verified customer

"I wanted to try the product to find help for his two big problems: he very often makes soft stools and bites his paws. The two problems have greatly improved, in fact, almost completely disappeared."

Sergio Gambato

✓ Verified customer

"For the past few days she has been licking her paws less and eating very little grass."

Cinzia Catti

✓ Verified customer

"I saw the ad on FB, seeing my Golden retriever's itching issues. After trying many things, I decided to give them a try. I have been testing them for two weeks now and they seem to be having their effect."

Michela Signorino

✓ Verified customer

Try it now >

30-day money-back guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Je Belly Champ primeren za vse pasme in velikosti psov?

Belly Champ je zasnovan za potrebe psov vseh pasem, velikosti in starosti. Ne glede na to, ali je vaš hišni ljubljenček živahen mladiček, starejši od 12 mesecev, odrasel ali starejši pes.

So izdelki primerni za pasje mladiče?

Ne, izdelki so namenjeni uživanju psom starejšim od 6 mesecev.

Lahko Belly Champ uporabljajo tudi psi z alergijami?

Belly Champ je hipoalergen in ne vsebuje glutena, zato je primeren za pse z alergijami. Če pa ima vaš pes posebne prehranske potrebe ali skrbi, se pred uporabo posvetujte z veterinarjem.

Kaj če moj pes ne mara Belly Champ?

Če z našim izdelkom iz kakršnega koli razloga niste zadovoljni, lahko zahtevate POPOLNO vračilo denarja.

Kako lahko zahtevam povračilo?

Če želite zahtevati vračilo, pošljite e-pošto na naslov in navedite razlog za zahtevek. Povračilo bomo obdelali v 3 delovnih dneh.

V podjetju Pawital stojimo za kakovostjo svojih izdelkov in želimo, da ste vi in vaš kosmatinec z nakupom popolnoma zadovoljni. Zavedamo se, da je vsak pes edinstven in da tisto, kar deluje pri enem, morda ne bo delovalo pri drugem. Zato ponujamo enostavno in brezskrbno politiko vračila denarja.

Če želite zahtevati vračilo, sledite naslednjim preprostim korakom:

1. Razlog za povračilo: V 30 dneh po nakupu nam pošljite e-pošto na naslov in navedite, zakaj niste zadovoljni. Razlogi so lahko naslednji:

  • Ni opaznega izboljšanja zdravja ali vedenja vašega psa.
  • Vaš pes ne mara okusa izdelka.
  • Kakršen koli drug razlog za nezadovoljstvo.

2. Vračilo ni potrebno: Če ste naročili le en izdelek, vam ga ni treba vrniti, da bi zahtevali povračilo. Vseeno vas bomo prosili, da vrnete neuporabljena pakiranja.

Vračila so obdelana v 3 delovnih dneh od datuma vašega zahtevka, kar zagotavlja, da boste denar prejeli nazaj brez odlašanja.

Upamo, da vam ta pravilnik zagotavlja zaupanje pri preizkušanju naših izdelkov, saj se zavedamo, da je vaše zadovoljstvo naša prednostna naloga.

V kakšen ovoj je ovita klobasica? Jo pes lahko poje?

Klobasica je zavita v naraven govej ovoj, ki je užiten in 100% varen za uporabo. Klobasic torej ni potrebno odvijati, pes jih lahko poje.

Je embalaža okolju prijazna?

Da, v podjetju Pawital smo zavezani k zmanjševanju vpliva na okolje. Našo embalažo je mogoče v celoti reciklirati, naš proizvodni obrat pa deluje na 100-odstotno obnovljivo energijo, pri čemer ne proizvaja nobenih odpadkov in fosilnih goriv.

Koliko časa traja dostava?

Naročeni izdelki bodo dostavljeni v 3-5 delovnih dneh. Upoštevajte, da se v obdobjih večje zasedenosti, kot so črni petek ali okoli božiča in novega leta, čas dostave zaradi večjega povpraševanja lahko podaljša.

Kako naj svojemu kužku postrežem Belly Champ?

Belly Champ lahko zmešate s hrano vašega psa ali ga ponudite kot priboljšek. Odmerek je odvisen od teže vašega psa, ki je jasno navedena na embalaži.

Kje je Belly Champ proizveden?

Belly Champ je izdelan v Združenem kraljestvu v najsodobnejšem obratu, ki spoštuje visoke varnostne in kakovostne standarde.

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Kaj se skriva v notranjosti?

  • 60 % divji losos
  • 15,9 % sladkega krompirja
Postbiotik Epicor® Pets z več kot 20 metaboliti
Postbiotik 10B CFU BPL1, ki klinično dokazano povečuje koristno mikrobioto
Morske alge za podporo zobovju
Kurkuma in juka za dodatno podporo blatu in prebavi
“Zaupam samo dodatkom Pawital, saj mojim psom zagotovijo tisto, kar potrebujejo.”
— Rok Terziev

1. Select dog weight

Zelo majhen
1 - 5 kg
0.5 X
na dan
5 - 10 kg
1 X
na dan
10 - 25 kg
2 X
na dan
25 - 40 kg
3 X
na dan
Zelo velik
40 - 50 kg
4 X
na dan

2. Select quantity

Rendering loop-subscriptions
Secured and encrypted payments with:

100% 30-day money-back guarantee. You and your dog will love it, or we refund your product purchase cost in full. You can even send back and empty pack and we’ll still refund you.

Shipped and delivered in 3-5 days

Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
Belly Champ
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Belly Champ
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Belly Champ